About us

A father daughter relationship is important but my dad took the role more serious than most. He looked after me when everyone else had written me off,  he gave up the chance for relationships and having a life to look after me, when I came home pregnant at 18 he just supported me and not just when my children were small but still still to this day and my son is almost 20. Whenever something is working in my home he is there within the hour to fix it. He doesn't just do this for me, he also extended this to my friends. We have been on holidays together, we go on days out, we go for meals, every celebration, every problem he is by my side. I feel very blessed to have a dad like mine and I have never felt alone although been a single parent for 20 years. Then on the 18th November my world came crumbling with one call. My uncle rang me to say my dad had fell when climbing, he had an air ambulance to help him off the mountain and he was on his way to the hospital.

I rang the hospital and he was on his way for a CT scan and I had to ring back after midnight, I rang the hospital all night, when there was no answer I rang my dads mobile, my dad managed to alert the nurses his phone was ringing and then the hospital rang me back. They listed 3 injuries on the phone: 1. Bleed to the brain 2. Spinal fracture 3. Fractured Joint. For whatever reason I thought the bleed to the brain was his worst injury, I was stupid to think bones just fix and never truly understood what was coming our way. I told the nurse on the phone I would like to speak to my dad and she rang me off her mobile to make this possible (Royal Stoke University Hospital have been absolutely amazing through this) and that night I spoke to him and all he was worried about was me and my children as always, I spoke to him and I was worried sick but I thought it would be ok, what i did not realise is that it would be our last conversation for this long. I miss him so much, I just want my dad again, I would settle for a nod or him to open his eyes, I just need my dad.

Since being in the hospital he has had many complications, two operations and he has been sedated for weeks but I am hopeful he is on the mend. What on the mend means is another story and how my dad will handle this I worry about daily. This is a man who gets stressed if he cant go for a run and now a consultant is telling me he wont walk again, wont move his fingers again, how is this fair? I was sat here thinking about what he enjoys to do and the only thing I can think of that involves sitting down is watching sport. So we need to adapt and I need to learn to be strong in preparation for the recovery process. We are going to have to find new hobbies and we are going to do this as we always have, together.